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I don’t know why relative humidity is used for laymen. I remember when I learned the Dew Point is what you can use to gauge what it feels like. I grew up in the South and later in life moved to the northwest and people would say it was humid sometimes in the summer and could never understand why they thought that. They’re just looking at the relative humidity on the weather app or whatever. Whatever the RH is if the dew point is 70°+ it’s gonna feel way hotter.

I came to the exact same conclusion for the exact same reasons. RH is terrible at telling you much of anything due to the nature of what it's actually measuring.

90 degrees at 60% RH is much 'muggier' than 60 degrees at 75% RH.

Agreed, dew-point is so much better than RH. Wet bulb is a good number too.

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