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"If they wanted me to watch the documentary they shouldn't have started by forcing me to sit through a bunch of unenlightening establishing shots with the name of the studio, distributor, or director over them. After the third one I walked out. What's wrong with people? Someone went to the effort to research and produce a documentary and then somebody else erected an annoying barrier to watch it."

I'm being perhaps unnecessarily facetious, but is there really that big of a difference here? This is the publication's attempt (and one may debate how successful it was) to immerse the reader in a way that a traditional layout wouldn't.

I always scrub forward though the name of the studio etc, much less an elaborate intro.

And apparently a lot of people find it annoying as most streaming sites provide a "skip" button for that stuff and queue up a "watch next" that skips all the credits.

The "traditional layout" is an introductory paragraph.

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