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Framework for experimenting, at scale, with Prompts for Stable Diffusion (github.com/patrickgadd)
1 point by ppaattrriicckk on May 7, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I have created a small, open-source framework for generating 1000s of variations of images based on sampling prompts.

The purpose of the project is 3-fold: 1. To efficiently test out ideas for images 2. Subsequently to easily hone in on the best prompts for your given goal 3. Reproducibility and keeping track of experiments (and

To give an example, I wanted to create images of "a dog wearing sunglasses", but I didn't really have any particular styles nor compositions in mind.

So then I've set up a list of possible scenes like ["walking on a tropical beach", "floating in space", "black background", "grey background"] as well as a list of styles ["vector graphics", "art deco"].

Now I'm randomly generating prompts combining the above. And tomorrow I can scroll through 10k pictures of very cool dogs :-)

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