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If only my immune system would attack all the microplastics in my blood.

Then you would be permanent sick.

I don' think you understand a lot of what you write. Microplastics are largely inert and most of them are much much bigger than your immunity cells. If they could somehow 'attack' it, they wouldn't be able to consume it (and if they could nothing would change, just like ink in tattoos remains in cca same place even after immune cells consume it).

What would happen during 'attack' is rather a clot forming, not very good ie in your bloodstream. Kind of pearls forming randomly in your body, but the seed would be a piece of plastic instead of a grain of sand, and it would be just your dead immunity cells around it. The chance of getting rid of it gets much smaller. Now why would you want something like that.

I think it was a joke.

Perhaps another casualty of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law ?

Some people consider frequent blood donations as a way to reduce the amount of foreign particles in their blood.

Or just good old fashioned blood letting.


That sounds like an excellent way to get people to give blood

I read on HN once it helps with some PFOS or PFAS in blood...

That study was specifically on Australian firemen IIRC. Firemen are exposed to more of those particular chemicals because of their widespread use in flame retardant sprays.

Also donating plasma was a better option than whole blood.

Many of the advanced medicines for autoimmune deceases disqualify you from giving blood

i know steroid abusers in my gym swear by this.

thats to reduce dangerously high blood pressure and levels of red blood cells that increase clotting risk

Wait, and this blood gets donated?

As someone on similar medication for health reasons (severe testosterone deficiency), I can provide some more specific information that might be helpful.

The issue with testosterone is that it's linked to an increase in hematocrit (level of red blood cells in blood). There's a band of hematocrit levels that's healthy for donation. If the hematocrit level is too high, it's potentially dangerous to the recipient, but too low a level of hematocrit makes the donation dangerous to the donor. As a result, hematocrit level testing is one of the few tests that they do before every single donation.

These chemicals aren't dangerous, they're present in all humans. No blood clotting is hemophilia, which is also a dangerous condition. Regular blood donation can prevent build-up, and the decrease in hematocrit after blood donation is one of the reasons for the required interval between donations.

That would be horrible for your health. Massive inflammation and hormonal issues.

Best is if your body ignores the plastic, that would mean the plastic doesn't do anything to you.

But it's not clear whether ignoring is possible or happens now...

The body detecting and removing them would be cooler. I wonder whether any mutation anywhere exists that does that.

Your immune system is your part of the body

You should watch the latest "Crimes of the future" from Cronenberg (viewer discretion is very advised.)

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