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> The UI is a little different: integers don’t have many different parts the way floating point numbers do

Depends, they could if the site gave access to common varint formats for instance.

Also can't help but think it's the wrong way around? I feel like when you play with byte order you want to see how the bits change for a given number, rather than the number for the same bits. Though I guess both are valuable, depends on your use case (whether you have a bit pattern and try to understand what it is, or have a number and try to see how it would encode).

Exploring signed representations could also be useful.

> I feel like when you play with byte order you want to see how the bits change for a given number, rather than the number for the same bits.

+1, as someone who is exclusive working on a big endian architecture this will be really helpful.

related but slightly tangent: I hope there is a button for toggling 2's complement.

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