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Anthony Fauci Says Don't Blame Him for Covid Lockdowns and School Closures (reason.com)
6 points by kneebonian on May 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Even if he was "at fault" (in terms of being the individual policy decider), it doesn't really bother me as he was one of the people chosen by the leadership to communicate and make difficult decisions.

We should always be so lucky to have highly intelligent, compassionate, hard-working individuals helping our government. These folks have to make difficult decisions in ambiguous situations with many constraints (such as the abysmal state of the health care system in the US). I can't imagine that you could fire Fauci and end up with somebody who magically would have changed all the parameters that affected the US during COVID.

His malfeasance is clear to most people. You shouldn't make excuses for him; I could have done a better job than him just by not lying about anything.

Furthermore, the US health system is not in an abysmal state. We have more hospital beds, more doctors, and more nurses per capita than Europe.

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