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In the Grip of Necrocapitalism (tsakraklides.com)
15 points by yrcyrc on May 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Quite a heavy read, but definitely sympathize with the author:

There are hardly any products in our civilization, for the birth of which something or someone didn’t have to die or be exploited.

I see this a lot, especially with things like the "transition to EVs", that comes at a heavy cost on the planet too!

I also sympathize, and agree with the conclusions.

But it's VERY important to remember, that "the economy" (capitalism, the "thing", whatever you want to call it) is NOT an entity unto itself.

While this is a nice metaphor, it's not realistically accurate. The economy/capitalism/thing is actually a collection of a very small subset of the human population. Which IS actually brutalizing the rest of the human population and the physical resources of the planet.

But it's not a run away AI, or alien invasion, it's "us".

People are screwing other people and trashing the planet.

When we talk about "getting rid of the system", this really means disenfranchising this very small minority.

All in all, an extremely accurate article: "it can be argued that both the government and the church came into existence to protect economic oligarchs, by manipulating people into submission."

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