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“We Have 30 Extra Years”: A New Way of Thinking About Aging (stanford.edu)
12 points by sherilm on May 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

There is a strong likelihood that we have more than that. Legitimate cracks are being made in manipulating the biology of aging for the first time. Rapamycin, acarbose, SGLT2 inhibitors are existing (generic even) compounds that are showing healthspan expansion across multiple animals. Epigenetic reprogramming is moving into human (eye) trials this year or next.

"People 50 and older hold the vast majority of wealth in the country, but we’re producing products and services for people who don’t have nearly as much money to spend,"

I think there's some truth to this. I've noticed older people value service and high quality, and sometimes it seems like the world is going the opposite way.

Sort of like home depot selling mostly plastic plumbing.

When you are young, 2 or 3 years actually seems like a reasonably long length of time. When you are fifty it feels like a couple of weeks, so replacing products that last 2 years feels like you're replacing the damn thing every month.

intersting point. I think one other difference is that as a kid, you don't have much stuff, but if you're old, you have a houseload of stuff you own and maintain, so each failure is a responsibility and an annoyance.

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