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Meta workers have lost faith in Mark Zuckerberg (sfgate.com)
41 points by samspenc on May 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

Tech pioneer takes a risk on something that ends up profitable - he is seen as visionary, people want to work for him, e.t.c

Tech pioneer takes a risk on something that doesn't pan out - people loose trust, don't want to work for him, e.t.c

The thing to remember is that unless you are in the money making sector of a company, you job is riding on the winds of economy.

Definitely. But that's basically all heros and just survivorship bias.

The reality is most of these people are just arbitrary winners biased by social hierarchy.

The only things anyone still uses aren’t things created by Facebook. Everything he built (or is proud of) is old, or super creepy, or old and super creepy. Easy to see why nobody trusts him. I wouldn’t work for him. No amount of money gets me to work at Facebook in 2023. Just seems like a dead end. Can anyone see a future where Mark leads them to a win?

For people into virtual reality, I think it could be fun to work on the metaverse.

Fairly fresh code base, no pesky users, so no uptime problems, lots of experimentation to do to figure out what works and what not.

On the downside, the probability of finding something that really works and shipping it isn’t high, and that of producing something great extremely low, and the probability that you can spend a career there is low, too, but if you can live with that, I think there could be fun jobs there.

Facebook has mau of 266 million people in Canada + US. 2.96B globally. Easily the largest social network on the planet.

Is that with shadow profiles and all thumbs up button impressions, or really half a planet uses face book at least once a month.

Canada only had a population of ~39 million. That’s impressive!

That’s why it’s a combined number with the US.

I can read. I swear.

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded".


Is Meta doing worse than Google/Alphabet? Would you have more faith in Zuck or Pichai?

My personal opinion is that Google, like most big techs, never had a cult of personality that many workers bought into.. My impression for meta, Apple at least under Jobs, and maybe Tesla is that many of the employees don't need to take their right to silence, they actually think these people don't suck.

Google is a cult in itself. Although the recent layoffs have shattered that illusion for the better.

Money is a helluva drug

What about shareholders?

There’s only one shareholder at Meta who matters, and that’s Zuckerberg himself. He has a controlling share. If he steps down it will be of his own accord and no one else’s.

The last demographic to do so.

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