We already have something developed like that in our company (~30 pax employee owned wealth management firm). It's.... interesting.
We currently use GPT-4 combined with an internal knowledge base we had earlier since the beginning, and we practically have to fire our chief of staff and the admin team. Just kidding, but it's made her team's work a ton easier that she can devote more time to the nitty-gritty hard stuff.
The interesting part is that I had a bit of a personality touch added as part of its context, so the AI's character is quite.... villainous.
Enterprise self-hosted ChatGPT is going to be huge.
I am about to release a self hosted GPT that works with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI. It has several enterprise features, mostly around authentication/authorisation. I'll let you know when it drops or you can be a beta tester if you like!
Noted. Just a few questions, what do you mean by "works with OpenAI"? I thought those were closed systems, so is the system basically pretrained and the weights saved? I'm pretty sure that if it were even possible, it would still be misuse per their terms and conditions?
Currently we use an initial semantic search for context injection, which is then passed to GPT for completions. If any LLAMA company were to make that second pretrained bit self-hostable for some license fee, I know a bunch of companies in finance of all sizes which would readily pounce on that tool. But I'm fairly certain that's not what Open AI wants to do.
Also in the news: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/02/chegg-drops-more-than-40perc...
>but the real value comes from replace internal “tribal knowledge” with an AI who knows your org in and out
I bet Microsoft is already working on that.