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Hollywood Writers Go on Strike, Halting Production (nytimes.com)
7 points by asnyder on May 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Solidarity with the striking writers.

The film industry has evolved over many strikes and many decades into a powerful industry that sustains many workers in well-paying jobs. The wealth of the studios is built on the backs of the writers and all the other roles which keep this machine running.

Workers in the video game industry should learn from Hollywood and take a larger share of the billions made from their labor.

I am feeling sorry for all the people working in production who are now also out of job because the Hollywood writers are on strike.

My understanding is that it will basically seem hard stop. No writing, nothing to sell etc. I can even imagine it would affect the places were deals get made like sit-down restaurants etc.

I am feeling sorry for all the people working in production who are now also out of a job because the big media companies couldn't pay their writers a decent wage for their craft.

how much of the world is going to be put out by the temporary hiatus of some late-night tv show?

in the 90s this would have prompted action...now...who cares?

streaming platforms will continue to deploy media produced months ago

youtube, tiktok and other forms of entertainment are all "amateur"

this will have the unintended consequence of exposing how little impact these writers have

It's not just TV shows. It's movies as well. Please watch "Quantumn of Solace" and reflect on your question of "who cares?".

Thousands of people will be without work until the strike is over

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