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Very nice write-up, as someone feeling somewhat left behind by the Zig train it's always nice to get a refreshed feeling for the language.

I had to go look up "std.mem.indexOfSclar" in the source [1] since my, admittedly rather butt-hurt, feeling is that I can't guess Zig naming. It's supposed to be "indexOfScalar" which of course makes 100% sense.

[1]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/mem.zig#L...

The Zig train will be making a stop at the 0.11.0 station on May 30th. That will be a great time to hop on board!

is async planned for 0.11 at the end of current_month?

A bit confused about what you are saying. Was "std.mem.indexOfSclar" a typo on the site that was fixed within 15 mins of you posting or did you just misread it? Is there something about Zig function naming that makes it weird?

Yes, a typo. I fixed the post.

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