> Even browsing the plain text Hacker News forum requires a web browser, so complex that only few companies in the world can produce it.
This not take anything out of your point, but HN can be browsed with simpler browsers like lynx, w3m, Ladybird or NetSurf, which are all written by a small set of people.
(they do rely on quite complex operating systems though)
Maybe the main lock-in is in drivers for proprietary hardware. Platform software like bare bones Linux / Android and Firefox is probably not the root of the lock-in.
If so, maybe it's better to think of two devices: trusted device, and fancy device.
The trusted device is a simple, low power and cheap device, maybe without even a camera. Just touchscreen, wi-fi and mobile internet. Fully open drivers, and hardware spec. Running bare bones Linux / Android, Firefox. Easy to root and reinstall the full software stack. There can be an open specification for at, as a "basic comp / comm device": 1 GB memory, CPU of certain performance, etc.
The fancy device is a cutting edge proprietary flagman device. Great power, but risk of tracking.
This not take anything out of your point, but HN can be browsed with simpler browsers like lynx, w3m, Ladybird or NetSurf, which are all written by a small set of people.
(they do rely on quite complex operating systems though)