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This 'Nostr' thing will never take off, it has too much 'cryptocurrency' laden features that nobody asked for.


A culture of tipping for content you find valuable at the click of a button that works for people to cash out regardless of their jurisdiction is yucky to you? I guess, i see it as one of it's biggest selling points, however you can turn it off in some clients

You're twisting words. Tipping is not the problem here, it's the cryptocurrencies. If you can't see how people mistrust them then you're probably deeply invested in them yourself.

As long as there is no real value in the real world it will remain inflated by confidence, which reeks of scam. And no one pizza place here or a bitcoin atm there does not make a difference. So far the only real goods and services crypto has traded at scale are on an illegal black market.

Cryptocurrency is optional.

Everything "crypto" has become a bit toxic during the past year.

Are you into crypto?

What you're describing was tried with "steemit.com" and it ended as you would expect; lots and lots of spam.

How do people cash out of a token that isn't a currency?

I'm not interested in being blasted with prophetic bitcoin nonsense 24/7 on every thread or on any conversation I have with people.

I opened a random web client and saw too many 'cryptidots' on this nostr thing.

No way this will grow.

Honestly the content being almost exclusively about Bitcoin and Nostr might be it's biggest problem.

There are ways to get non-bitcoin or non-nostr content - like following hashtags (in Amethyst and other clients), for example #grownostr #F1 #beerchain, etc. Generally whatever interest you have, follow the hashtag.

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