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Show HN: PineTool – An iOS Companion for the Pinecil (lachy.io)
95 points by lachyio on April 30, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

I think this needs more unnecessary. Siri integration? Yes! I need to be able to tell Siri what temp I want my soldering iron at. You could also make use of other iOS features, like backing up the temp history to iCloud for long term temperature stats. Think about the correlations you could do: I always set the temp to 260C at noon, but in the evenings I’m more of a 265C person. Maybe we would also need some Health integration - Apple should add a „soldering fumes inhalation“ stat. Are there different kind of fumes at different temperature levels?

Time to upgrade my Pinecil

Yes! I need to be able to tell Siri what temp I want my soldering iron at

I know how that ends: "Hey Siri, set the pinecil temperature to 260 degrees C", "The pinecil temperature is now set to 396 degrees celsius.", "Aaaaargh. Hey Siri, switch off the pinecil NOW!", "I don't know about that, let me search that on the web".

Awesome project though!

"Sorry, I'm having trouble connecting to the internet right now. Please try again later".

While the Pinecil bursts into flames...

> Apple should add a „soldering fumes inhalation“ stat. Are there different kind of fumes at different temperature levels?

I now want to find out. Maybe one of those particle sensor units (the PM2.5 ones) could be used to measure this?

Confounding variables would include the type of solder used... What you are soldering onto... Ventilation... Etc...

Currently I just do all my soldering on the stovetop due to its extractor fan, being beside a window, smooth surface, ease of cleaning, good lighting, etc.

I like your thinking! The project is open source, pull requests for such features are very welcome :)

This is an interesting use of some of Pinecil’s capabilities. Maybe I’ll upgrade the OS of mine and check it out.

Part of me screams to myself: “what are you thinking—upgrade the OS of your soldering iron?”

Another part of me muses: “I bet something like this could make a chart of days when I soldered, or make use of the accelerometer of the iron with the temp to act as a technique coach.

Note that only the newer V2 model has the BL-706 chip with BLE capabilities. The original V1 model uses a different chip without this.

And yes, you now need to worry about which CPU your soldering iron has!

Could someone please confirm whether successfully validating through the v2 authenticity checker[0] is sufficient to establish it's a v2? (I know, silly question).

[0] https://pinecil.pine64.org/

Indeed, your Pinecil is a v2 if it has a green handle and it passes the authenticity checker.

Thanks, I'm all set then. Onwards to fun things. Cool app!

Well, guess it's time for my quarterly Pine64 order!

Seriously, this is well-done and a testament to how great UX can arise from bog-standard connectivity. To think this was all enabled by a firmware update on the hardware itself - pure awesome.

Well, it was only enabled by a firmware update because the hardware was already there. My Pinecil that doesn't have BLE can't get it with a firmware update.

This has motivated me to learn more about my Pinecil than ever before. I’ve always known it’s open hardware and software and just used it as an iron.

Thank you!

Edit: love that <1MB file size!

That's wonderful to hear, thank you!

"Is this unnecessary? Absolutely."

Sometimes the best things are

I smell an opportunity for a portable soldering iron based tea kettle system.

This is so cool!!! I didn’t even know the Pinecil existed.

We live in the future :D

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