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AI-generated young Paul McCartney (webgrafikk.com)
19 points by ianyanusko on April 29, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

No mention of the models or tech used in the article. I did some digging and found this. Seems to be made with QuickWick on Hugging Face[1] with the community on Discord[2].

Amazing how fast AI is moving these days. Hard to tell if we're at an infection point or a plateau. Whatever the case, this is what drew me into tech, and I'm loving the ride.

[1] https://huggingface.co/QuickWick/Music-AI-Voices

[2] https://discord.gg/aihub

It is supremely intellectually interesting but "loving" it isn't a word that has come to my mind. In short order you won't be able to trust anything that isn't physically in front of you. Live video calls will not be sufficient to prove you are talking to your actual doctor or boss or family member.

Imagine there are no celebrities, telling us what to trust. Skepticism in media will have to make a comeback.

Celebritarian obsession was accelerated by Photoshop fakery. Why would AI be any different? Auto-Tune didn't kill interest in pop.

Hatsune Miku is a Vocaloid. Gorillaz isn't an actual band. These aren't new ideas. They seem to have been roaring successes. vTubers seem to do alright too. Deepfake porn and VR porn seem to do well too. Plastic surgery is popular too. Wigs, makeup, veneers, all very mainstream with consumers. If anything, there seems to be a good demand for escapism.

Why do people quote movies? Why do people obsess over lore? Because it resonates with them. It doesn't need to be real to appeal on some level.

When so much of life is "fake", what difference does it make?

However, is it all OK for mental health? Well, we know the answer to that.

If Paul really does practice what he preaches " Do What You Feel Like " morality then he should have no problem with others choosing to make singing sounds exactly like he might have, but didn't. At least oasis says approving things about their better a.i. halves - aisis.


I don't know, I feel like even a real version of the Beatles singing God Only Knows would disappoint. I just can't picture Paul McCartney signing it.

The fact that this is AI-generated is amazing. To be completely honest, the God Only Knows one almost sounds like a voice actor/impersonator, so it's not completely there just yet. It's exaggerated and it just lacks soul. But New is much better, almost there.

God only knows with Paul’s voice could totally be a Beatles song.

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