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> couple of companies are already executing in these areas and have amassed loyal followings

What companies are there in the interactive literotica space?

I was curious about building something like this myself (before people dismiss this as a dumb idea, they should check out what the best selling books on Kindle are).

Well, the simplest of 'literotica' is just an uncensored, fiction-writing friendly LLM (Fine tuned on fiction/RP, rather than truthful and friendly responses).

NovelAI has been around for a long time, after AI dungeon died in flames. They sell exactly that. They also did the first powerful fine-tune of SD. Now they've got a H100 cluster, and are committed to training a GPT3.5 equivalent.

These companies have difficulties getting investor funding, the good side is however, AI products are so useful, users have an extremely high intention to pay. So these no-investor companies can pure bootstrap themselves with high profitability and high growth.

Are investors disinterested in NovelAI, or are they just choosing to bootstrap?

Fiction.live is going to be huge in this area, they can leverage their existing content and writers to get incremental results.

Since the technology is in its early days the writers can manually improve the generated results to get it to be useful quality, and this will tide the whole system over until perfect completely-AI results are here, guessing sometime towards the end of the year.

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