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This was something I kind of figured out years ago. If you eat what the food eats then you can greatly reduce the needs and complexity of the food system. That is a big win right there. I see the arguments against this position and always just seems like post-hoc rationalization. It is trying to fit cherry picked facts to fit their lifestyles rather than letting the facts being something to consider in their lifestyle. I mean, I get it, but don't try to BS people with this stuff just to justify how you live. If you are going to eat meat and dairy and you just don't care about the environmental factors of ethics - just say that! Don't try to be holier than thou via manipulated stats.

As an side, about the only complex food stuff I use nowadays is Nooch but that just because it is basically just a savory bomb that makes all my cooking taste so much better!

I can use chicken droppings as fertilizer. I am unwilling to do that with my own waste. I get an incredibly useful by product by including them in my food system.

That is fair. The idea of Humanure is pretty cool but if done wrong can be very nasty. Done right, it can close the system pretty tightly.

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