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Sorry, but you are wrong. Massive factories means a lot of waste. Dead cow means a lot of usable stuff. Meat, bones, skin, everything is usable. Even cow's waste can be used as a fertilizer. Massive factory? That means massive amount of mined ore and wasted energy. What does a cow need? Zero ore and some grass.

You are 100% wrong. Our meat production system essentially is a massive system of factories (aka factory farms), with tons of pollution and animal-torture along the way. Cow burps are a major source of methane (https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/197623/icode/) which contributes to climate change. Animal waste is used as fertilizer but we produce so much we still end up poisoning nearby land (https://foodprint.org/issues/what-happens-to-animal-waste/). Feeding cows takes a ton of energy in the form of food because you need to grow an entire cow, most of that energy just ends up wasted (cows are not big batteries).

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