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I want this. I'll eat it. I'd be willing to pay some amount more than the current cost of regular meat (including the pricier more ethically-raised meat).

Yahoo reports about a quarter of vegans say they would eat it.[0] MSU survey found that 35% of people overall would eat cultured meat[1], including a majority of people aged 18-40)[2].

It's not the majority of the population, but it's certainly not 0%, and certainly appears to be well into double-digit percentages.

People are price-sensitive, so if it costs more than regular meat it will have a tough time gaining significant marketshare, but there's very clearly a sizable portion of the population who do want this, anecdotal surveys of your friends notwithstanding.

[0] https://news.yahoo.com/most-vegans-support-lab-grown-1208550...

[1] https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/michigan-state-university-poll...

[2] https://theconversation.com/would-you-eat-meat-from-a-lab-co...

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