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Agree...I have 2 thoughts re lab meat

1) If you're going through so much time and expense to simulate meat, why not just change your diet to something more akin to "primary sources" - i.e. vegetables, or other food that is better than meat in your desired criteria (land use, water use, etc)? That is more naturally grown and more appealing?

2) By the time you spend so much money/energy/biochemical processes to simulate the real meat, is what you get just as energy intensive/unhealthy as the original?

Probably because they enjoy eating meat?

I’m not sure I see what’s more appealing about how animals are raised and slaughtered and processed for consumption. It’s top to bottom an inhumane industrialized process replete with torture, filth, antibiotics, radiation, disease, and people in hazmat suits and steel vats (which strangely people find disturbing). It’s not like some sort of pastoral children’s story where sally the pig has a grand life and at the end of it is gently, if undescribed way, becomes a wonderful pork chop for family dinner.

I’d rather eat scientifically produced animal matter (SPAM) because :

1) I know the meat isn’t capable of suffering

2) I know the meat is grown in highly controlled circumstances

3) by having a centralized lab regulators can easily inspect end to end food quality and handling

4) by being sterile end to end I know when I get it I won’t contract salmonella, ecoli, trichinoses, etc

5) if it made it through to my table the economics of the market and all the “ewww science” and appeal to nature fallacy hurdles means it’ll taste really really good.

Im not arguing eating more vegetables isn’t a good idea. But that argument exists regardless of SPAM, and hasn’t compelled much of a change in diet. I’d rather not see animals born to suffer than just shake carrots in peoples faces telling them eat veggies and hope they listen.

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