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I’m surprised by the amount of negativity. Personally I eat meat but feel guilty about doing so because of animal cruelty. If someone is actually able to produce lab-grown meat that tastes the same and has the same nutritional value, I’ll switch in a heartbeat.

I don’t care at all whether the food I eat is “natural”. I don’t even care whether the ingredients are authentic, if there isn’t a health hazard; my reaction to the article’s mention of rodent DNA contamination is “who cares”. So of course I’ve tried plant-based meat alternatives, but found that they don’t taste right, while also being higher-calorie. My layman’s hope is that lab-grown meat will be able to replicate the taste more accurately. I realize that there’s no guarantee it will, even if they do succeed at producing something edible that’s made of animal cells (but has a very different structure). But it might.

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