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I think your underestimating the scale of animal agriculture.

Along the same lines, people here are underestimating the scale of lab grown meat production. IIRC it'd have to be something like 40,000 factories costing close to $2T to build, and even then it would take decades to build them all. And the meat would be very expensive.

Expected Chinese hellscape. If eating animals is so bad for the environment shouldn't the Earth be a dry gray smoggy ball at this point?

A lake of shit overflowing and poisoning the water table won't make the skies foggy. Granted, I am talking about rural things, that 26 story building probably has its own unique issues.

Shit dude last I heard the water out of my sink was clean

>If eating animals is so bad for the environment shouldn't the Earth be a dry gray smoggy ball at this point?

No. Things happen sequentially and compound. It's like saying in 2005, "if Amazon is such an important company, why isn't it already worth $1tn."

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