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NY built this bike system in about 10 years: https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/nyc-bike-map-2022.... It's pretty impressive and works well.

But yes, the Subway is criminally underfunded (it's ran by the State of NY actually). Nonetheless, despite how bad NY is, it's still the best in the US.

Yep, hence my usage of NY when referring to the MTA. With regard to the bike network in NYC, many of these are vanity projects. Many of the “protected” crosstown bike lanes in Midtown for example, have about 4 feet of room. If someone in a car decides to fling their door open, you don’t have many options to avoid it. Many of the other bike lanes are not usable in substantial parts, such as Schermerhorn St in Brooklyn due to rampant illegal parking. All this is to say that NYC DOT is after a number measured by the number of miles of bike lane, not by cyclist safety. The only “Amsterdam style” bike lane we really, truly have in Manhattan is along the rivers which is way beyond overcrowded on weekends.

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