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Can't they also throw the representative in jail (etc)?

They can, and they have. Big Tech representatives in the country have been jailed for not fully complying with court orders.


Google representatives too, if I remember correctly. Something to do with Google not erasing some celebrity's leaked nude photos from search results.

Jailing people for that is beyond horrible. Why would anyone want to appoint a legal representative in a country that does things like that, I have no idea.

Governments taking hostages aside - risking your employees security like that is extremely irresponsible from Google.

It’s what happens when you break the law. I don’t know what you expect.

To be able to "do business" there, whatever it may entail. Contrary to the popular held opinion on certain online communities, businesses must respect local laws and regulations to be able to conduct their activities.

The only "law" the executive broke was making the judge angry. Even the other judges acknowledged he was wrongly detained and released him. Says so in the article.

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