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Flush with rain, CA plans to replenish depleted groundwater with floodwaters (ca.gov)
31 points by gscott on April 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

The real problem with California drought is consumers.

Stop growing things in the desert.

We don’t need baby spinach in December.

Short of flooding our cities and towns in the valley, how does one replenish groundwater? My understanding is that's sort of like putting toothpaste back into the tube.

It's exactly like putting toothpaste back in the tube, you inject it.

Isn't that the basic principle of how fracking works? If you remove the extraction mechanism and made it a bit more sterile I don't see why you couldn't use it for groundwater replenishment too

It's really quite simple. You have wells that suck up water from the ground when you need it. In many instances you can simply let water flow back down those walls into the ground.

I have read that on some instances the geological structures that make up the aquafiers in the California region are delicate and collapse once too much water has been extracted and that this collapse has already occured in some areas which means no water, or much less water can be returned to these aquifers.

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