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Yes but Germany seems to only be using 10% solar power. They seem to be using an awful lot of wind, and it was my understanding that how much power they produced was somewhat random but fairly close to constant over time.

I don't think the solar argument sounds intuitively wrong to me, I just would like to see the argument fleshed out in some more detail. I have an open mind I've just never heard this argument before.

Obviously, Germany has to install way more solar. Unfortunately, the previous governments tried to curb the installation of solar (and wind). But this is quickly changing now. Solar is especially easy to grow as there are plenty of unused areas (e.g. roofs) which can be used without much negative impact.

> They seem to be using an awful lot of wind, and it was my understanding that how much power they produced was somewhat random

The amount of wind that's produced is predictable. In NL they do "day ahead pricing". You can get energy contracts based upon those prices. It's pretty easy to predict the amount of solar energy and wind energy a day in advance. It's not random.

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