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Iconify for React Native (github.com/oktaysenkan)
25 points by oktaysenkan on April 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

What am I missing here? This is the most surprising thing to find on the front page. It's just a react-native library that adds icons?

Access to over 150,000 icons, you can easily add icons to your project without the hassle of searching and importing individual icons. Plus, react-native-iconify is designed to be easy to use and optimized for React Native.

How does it work out in the real world though? It seems icons across the stack (desktop, web, mobile) is always harder than it has to be, with options including:

- Use raw PNG files and manage them yourself with the downside that they are not resizable

- Use raw SVG files and manage them yourself and deal with the trainwreck that is the SVG spec. Download a random 10 SVG icons from different icon libraries and you'll see even SVGs from the same library are not consistent. With viewBox, width, height, often all being subtly wrong and misaligned when next to each other. The "solution" here is to hardcode some margin via CSS or manually editing the SVG. A joke. (Even Font Awesome has this problem)

- Use a library like this which exposes icons as components but often ends up bundling the entire collection of hundreds of thousands of icons creating enormous waste and inflated binary/dist size.

This feels like such a stupid situation to be in, but it's something you unfortunately need to check before choosing a solution. The third option is definitely the best one - as long as it doesn't include every single icon like some do.

Read readme.md file before commenting :d

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