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Arm Developing Reference Chips to Attract New Customers: Report (tomshardware.com)
1 point by rbanffy on April 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

It looks like a great way to bootstrap their licensees into spaces they usually don't build for. Right now there are very few ARM-based SoCs competitive in the desktop space and having a set of reference designs, with a mix of fast and efficient cores and personal computer networking and graphics could open up a market now underserved by repurposed set-top and mobile parts.

I would be delighted with an ARM with a dozen efficient cores and a couple fast ones.

>I would be delighted with an ARM with a dozen efficient cores and a couple fast ones.

I wouldn't.

We don't need ARM anymore. There's RISC-V now.

I'd be equally delighted by a RISC-V with a bunch of efficient cores and a couple fast ones. Or s390x cores, POWER, MIPS... But until someone makes that kind of part in sufficient volumes, it won't be cheap.

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