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I was going to say use kill and lsof, and also something similar to what you said here. I would add that even many seasoned developers don’t know UNIX-like systems well enough to do anything with native tooling and therefore replicate native functionality poorly and slowly.

For many people, it’s faster to write an entirely new tool than it is to go learn the platform for which they’re writing and therefore they do it.

I am not good at knowing Linux at all beyond some general concepts. If I did my brain would have no room left. However when dealing with it I always assume that it has everything and do google search. I do not remember a single case when I would want to write some utility. The ones available along with bash always cover all of my needs leaving me more time to design and implement the actual software I am being paid for. My whole CI/CD or whatever complete management is called is few bash scripts.

That definitely says something about the discoverability of the platform's functionality.

The similar thing also regularly happens in medium-to-large codebases so that's how you end with four slighlty different implementations of e.g. "extract value by path from a JSON object, with some traversal options": it's easier to just write the damn loop by yourself than to find a) if it's already been written, and if yes, b) how the hell do you use it.

> That definitely says something about the discoverability of the platform's functionality.

Meh. Back in ye olde days, when developers were either self-taught from the roots or came from universities, they just knew that stuff from experience.

Nowadays, a lot of "developers" come from three months "coder bootcamps". They may even be reasonably proficient in whatever flavor of JS toolkit the camps teach at the moment, but they will have zero knowledge about what makes their computer tick.

The issue isn't unexperienced devs not knowing about stuff. The issue is whether devs with no experience are willing to learn new stuff or not. We all had zero experience at some point.

>"That definitely says something about the discoverability of the platform's functionality."

I think it says more about people being lazy and not willing to use that mighty tool called search (add ChatGPT now). Even here on HN I often see people asking what is X when that X is one web search away.

Yeah, agreed, we should change human psychology to fit our current technological stack better, that sounds way easier than doing the opposite.

On a serious note, I do hope that built-in help systems with ChatGPT glued on (and additionally trained on its contents) will become a de-facto standard in the near future: it should be possible to just ask your computing environment "how do I do X with you?" and get an answer or at least some guidance pointers.

The scope of modern OS, its utilities and commands is so large that good and comprehensive doc would be huge. And that is just the description of command with options. How do I do X is even more complex and may require things that go way beyond the simple doc and will require books. This is just not scalable and impractical. Having piles of common knowledge like Stack Overflow / forums / etc augmented with search and now ChatGPT is way more practical.

I've personally written what is very comprehensive doc for one of my software products. It described every nook and cranny. Still I ended up supporting a forum with most common questions percolated to a dedicated How Do I Do XYZ section and it just keeps growing. In the beginning I was answering question there. Now I just see people supporting themselves.

That one is at least defensible, a Q and A in a public forum can be a seed that generates further discussion and provides knowledge to others.

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