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How to beat DJI?
4 points by basmango_real on April 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Recently, DJI has released the DJI dock https://www.dji.com/dock. For the past few years, there were many other smaller scale companies who were trying to build drone-in-a-box solutions for drones, but DJI dock demolishes the competition. DJi has been demolishing their competition for years with really good products. We saw this in the past with their go-pro competitor and how they beat 3DR. (I know the short answer is "Build better products" but that's a pretty useless answer)

It is a bit like asking how do you beat Apple or Google. Companies at top of their game with all apparent competition far behind.

But history shows that all companies eventually get beaten; perhaps Google is going through such a period now. Often not because they lost at their core business but because a new technology appeared that eventually would eclipse existing approaches. (Ie Google search vs chat gpt)

What this looks like in terms of drones I don’t know.

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