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Ha! It is a bit public safety focused right now. The first two I will really build out (read: pay people to help with) are license plate recognition and vehicle make/model/year identification. I think those have a decent market.

The firearms one is tricky and I'm not sure it will ever be licensed commercially since we don't own the footage that the images are taken from. Valuable dataset in terms of what it could provide though, like an early warning system for active shooters.

Some day I'll have enough free time and just make a billiards dataset to help me find shots.

Have a good look at privacy laws in the states/countries of your users, in some things like this may be against the law or subject to restrictions. See:


Thank you! That's honestly very helpful.

You're welcome & much good luck with your project!

Unattended security gates at a local campground are being used to gather data. To get access to the campground, you have to provide your plate number, vehicle make & model, and vehicle color. The gate only checks for the plate number, but the images captured can be used to build out a vehicle make/model ML model.

Maybe partner with such a system to gather your data?

I have several thousand images of vehicles on the roadway and parking lots that I used to understand the backend ML of an ALPR system. Selecting cameras was the most difficult part of the project. I did not attempt to determine the make/model. My patience for labeling had worn too thin.

Overall, as invasive as ALPR system are, the cat has long left the bag. I doubt the cat will ever return.

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