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DMT Users Are Using AI to Draw the Strange Beings They Meet While Tripping (vice.com)
17 points by RafelMri on April 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Nobody will ever get "Johns Hopkins" right. Never.

If DMT were Coca Cola, we would have a Haddon Sundbloom and it would be settled what Machine Elves look like.

But of course, everybody knows they should look like David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King or Ziggy Stardust, for that matter.

A labyrinthine space oddity.

Curious why they all have human forms/facial features. Seems more of a projection of the individual's mind_experiences than of interdimensional beings

A potentially rational explanation (though I don’t necessarily believe in these inter dimensional beings) is that, these beings take a form familiar with to us explicitly to communicate.

The google research about communicating with animals got me thinking. Inter specious communication may be impossible without actual embodiment or holographic display. I.e if we wanted to speak to a bird. We might need a little hologram that also does a little dance while chirping.

The same be happening to us when our brains become susceptible under DMT.

<takes tin foil hat off>

I bet that has to do with the large numbers of human forms and faces present in the AI training data.

Possibly the same reason why people who have experienced "past lives" are never night cart men.

Hey. I’ve met that purple lady.


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