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Reader Revenue Manager (withgoogle.com)
21 points by 42droids on April 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

is this just bait to trick us into thinking there's news about google reader?

It’s an elaborate ploy to make us believe they never canceled Google Reader.

Came here for this comment

I am perpetually mystified by the engagement-industrial complex.

If I want to be "engaged" by some form of media, I keep the tab open until I consume it. Either that or it ends up in Pocket, where I might happen upon it on the next visit to getpocket.com/random.

Newsletters slamming into my inbox means it's just going to get lost in the noise -- context-switching notwithstanding (though probably the biggest factor), I can't imagine being so unimaginative that my curated media intake consists solely of ~5 sources who are trying to shove their often clicks-driven (thus intellectually compromised) content into my awareness.

There's an argument that newsletters are for those creators whom you just can't get enough of, and the other more serendipitous/algo-driven content in your feeds can be a more diffused supplement to the core offerings. And sure it just comes down to who prefers what. But contending with the constant onslaught of newsletter banners/modals/whatever pushes me to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There's enough creators out there that don't do that that it's actually a premium when I'm not constantly assailed by nudges, etc.

Email newsletters don't slam into my inbox. They sidle in, close the door quietly and get comfy in my newsletters folder. But these are ones I've chosen to sign up for - program language related and a couple from individuals who I think are interesting.

Like you, what I don't understand is the email sign-up form popup companies push in front of you on every visit. Nobody wants your "newsletter". Nobody wants to be signed up to your newsletter when they sign up to your service or buy something from your store.

This is 'Reader Revenue Manager' from Google, not a 'Revenue Manager' for 'Google Reader'.

Updated the title, so nobody gets confused... :)

are we taking bets on when google shuts this down?

"No developer, no problem" - ugh

What's wrong with not needing a developer to implement something?

Nothing. That’s the problem.

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