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I’m suggesting that someone not willing to pay their own fair share should not pretend others are not willing to pay theirs.

But you aren't answering the question, if a program for people in poverty isn't funded by society as a whole, are you having the people in poverty fund it because they're the ones who use it? Your argument seems to break down under examination

I answered the question before it was asked. If you want such a program to exist, you pay for it. If your idea is to make me pay for it, you don’t believe in paying your fair share. Whether or not it is practical to follow my rule to the absolute is a different question. I’m just tired of hearing the fair share people justify not paying their fair share.

There are entire enterprises that operate by this principle. Private Insurance comes to mind first. The problem with insurance and with this philosophy in general is that there are a lot of catestrophic situations you can find yourself in for which you would likely purchase no insurance because you can't ever see yourself being there.

The reason government steps in in cases like loss of job and provision of welfare is because nobody ever expects to be in those situations. But when you end up in those situations, having not bought insurance prior to being there, you will naturally find them pernicious. In order to prevent that from happening, government programs provide a kind of nationwide or statewide insurance policy that you are bought into by default just in case you should happen to need it some day.

You're arguing that you never will, and that might be the case, but that's also strictly speaking a risky proposition if aggregated over the entire population of the US.

No you haven't but what you have done is move the goal posts. Here is your previous statement:

>Nobody said anything about shutting down social programs, you can still have those without forcing people that don’t use them to pay for it

Which implies that the people paying for them are the ones using them

> I’m just tired of hearing the fair share people justify not paying their fair share.

I frankly have no idea who you are talking about. You're going to have to elaborate because right now it sounds like a cheap strawman.

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