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The Surprising Surge of Faith Among Young People (wsj.com)
7 points by bookofjoe on April 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

> "If I ever started to doubt, or believe there wasn’t a God, it would send me into a spiral of ‘What ifs,’ things that I would rather not get into.”

It's sad to see the impact childhood indoctrination has on ones thinking, even decades later. Once I embraced the uncertainty I actually found it much less anxiety inducing than eternal flames, rapture, being left behind, judgement for natural desires, and all that make believe garbage.

There is a large increase in mental health admissions in young people, including those put under medication to battle depression. There is also a larger increase in youth suicides, some at ages which baffle me that they can be so young.

When times get tough on people or a wider generation, where the future looks bleak due to costs of living, education requirements and competition with peers.

It would make sense to me (with no evidence) that people start to hold onto a faith or a higher power to help them deal with these challenges. The harsh realities of life for some people are hard to deal with.

What does areligiosity give you anyway. A lever to mock the religious, I guess, maybe you can feel good for a few minutes feeling superior to people who believe in imaginary beings etc etc.

When one has trouble, what does areligiosity give you. Some drab nonsense about being nice to others or whatever the fuck. Might as well listen to some illiterate loon for guidance when you're in trouble. The loon will provide better insights.

Thousands of years of moral tradition spanning civilizations? Forget it, too many make belief characters. I bet there were thousands of civilizations over history that gave up religion. And they all collapsed from the black hole its lack leaves the human soul.

I've always seen it has science vs religion. (not mutually exclusive however)

Some people think we came from god, others thing we came from the big bang. Some people think we are reincarnated or go to heaven/hell when we pass away, others think we simply cease to exist and that we cannot comprehend it.

For many, religion provides a comfort about the world and that if you act right, good things will come and that there is someone watching over you taking care of you. That is a comforting thought during difficult times.

I have hugely simplified all of this so forgive me with I've not been entirely correct. Not believing in a religion, doesn't mean that your belief is that religion is wrong or that people that believe in it are wrong.

Basic premise seems wrong. From the article: “Other polls, including Gallup, ask specifically about believing in God and show a decline in young adults who believe in God.”

Throughout history, our society's belief in God has fluctuated, much like the shifts in political ideologies. This is like a pendulum swinging back and forth over centuries. There are time periods when society becomes more secular, followed by times when we are more religious.

Religious leaders says we are currently in a revival.

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