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Twitter is making dead celebrities look like paid Twitter Blue subscribers (businessinsider.com)
12 points by cogitoergofutuo on April 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I see this as a very minor problem at most.

Michael Jackson or Charles Schulz personal brands are still generating money. Their family can have reasons to keep control over the brand, generate hype and send news about latest products or re-editions. Everybody knows that they are dead so there is not really a deceptive move.

There are other legit cases. Somebody about to die could write a lot of messages and order a lawyer to release it one by one in their children birthday for decades.

This seems a internally inconsistent.

Either the blue mark on a deceased person’s account is not deceptive because “everybody knows that they are dead” or because it’s understood to be on behalf of their estate / family / etc.

If it can be either, there’s deceptive ambiguity.

> Either is A or B.

Not. Both claims can be true at the same time, so this is not the "us or them/choose one" scenery that you claim. In any case the ambiguity is destroyed when the consequences of choosing one or the other path are mostly insignificant for the whole experience.

What are your feelings about murdered journalist Jamal Khashogghi’s account now displaying “This account is verified because they are subscribed to Twitter Blue and verified their phone number.”?


At least they're not yet using an LLM to make them Tweet

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