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America’s Empire Is Bankrupt (unherd.com)
8 points by ambientenv on April 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Unexpected treasures like this are one reason I always check the source on partisan articles:

John Michael Greer is the author of over thirty books. He served twelve years as Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America.


Now that we've lost the druids, including the American druids, we'll need to form an alliance with the Witches, Wizards and Warlocks.

Why are we linking articles written by a cult member who writes about magic, astrology, and occultism? (Check Wikipedia for sources) This dude is clearly not quite mentally sound.

IMO, the only reason people are sharing such ramblings of a madman is because the title of this article (America's empire is bankrupt) fits their fantasy and political ideologies.

The actual content and the validity of the author is irrelevant to people who are ideologically possessed. Shame to see such rubbish posted on HN.

>This may go a long way towards explaining why the Russian campaign in Ukraine has been so leisurely. The Russians have no reason to hurry. They know that time is not on the side of the US.

He mostly had me interested until here. Framing the inabilty of the Russian campaign in the Ukraine to advance as a win against the US shows the author's bias much greater than the rest of his rehtoric, such as "US Empire" and "US vs Humanity," and more importantly is a blatant factual error.

This is good for bitcoin (/s since apparently that wasn’t obvious)

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