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anigbrowl on April 22, 2023 | hide | past | favorite

While funny on the surface I can't help but think that v.Next of things like this will require some form of biometric ID and clicking to affirm that you making a report under penalty of perjury -- and that more people will end up being charged for entering bogus info than any criminal referral from snitch reports.

And open records laws will compel the revelation of "legitimate" snitches which would only make them a target for retaliation. A classic example of law and policy makers not thinking through the consequences of their actions.

(And I'm curious how much Missouri spend on the website... it's clearly money down the drain.)

Some sort of identity protocol like this

Humanness in the Age of AI: A path to an open and permissionless identity protocol


> require some form of biometric ID

In Missouri? Are they going to issue it first? Is that going to be popular with Republicans?

> it's clearly money down the drain

It's there to support their re-election campaign by promoting violence against LGBT people.

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