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U.S. says it 'infiltrated' the Sinaloa drug cartel in the fight against fentanyl (npr.org)
14 points by RadixDLT on April 21, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Infiltrating or just financing, as they are financing the Mexican military?

There are high members of various cartels who have claimed the US government funded them to get rid of specific people and groups. One of these people, Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, was arrested, extradited to America, and then exonerated after about a year into prison. Makes you wonder.

I can't imagine the amount of stress and danger these informants and infiltrators are going through.

Thanks for posting. My TLDR is the us infiltrated the gang. They're tracing their actions around the world, Mexico doesn't want to cooperate with this necessarily and it's a huge problem 5 just because we see what's happening at some level doesn't mean we're going to be able to really make a change in the fentanyl supply.

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