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An Experiment: Fine Tuning ChatGPT on our Intercom Chat History (kevingoedecke.com)
7 points by kgoedecke on April 21, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I've fine tuned ChatGPT on our intercom support chat history and the results are incredible. ChatGPT picked up knowledge about our business (Magicul.io provides tools specifically for UI UX designers). Would love to hear your thoughts and if you have ideas for more blog posts?

Useful article, we did something similar! How much time & money would you save if you implemented it in prod for your business?

I'm thinking to take this experiment a bit further and actually optimize this further. It would be cool to provide this a solution to businesses as a platform independent support ChatGPT bot.

A couple of startups are doing that in 2023 YC cohorts, and we're doing something very adjacent in our startup as well. Exciting space though

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