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IRC? Try HN. ... or really just about anywhere. People rarely post "I don't know", if they know they don't know they don't post. ... and you don't post you don't exist. So in any venue online the level of confidence is dramatically overstated and probably the amount of wrong answers too.

Not that things would be much better for LLMs if that weren't true. LLMs that learned their "don't know" practices from text-- they'd only be right about it on things that everyone didn't know and would probably give erroneous don't know answers or things they actually do know, so it would be just another way of being incorrect. :)

Suppressing out of control making stuff up is hard for human minds too. Go talk to a four or five year old. :) I've wondered if part of the reason for it is that it's something much easier learned through interaction than from observation.

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