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> Hong Kong

Decades ago I was there for a few months, and it was rare to see somebody’s apartment. Nothing like NZ where you often end up visiting work colleagues homes. Also at that time there were plenty of people that were working there only temporarily.

Can you tell me how the dynamics in HK work out these days? What different things make a middle-class apartment in HK a prestigious item worth competing about, that is visible to peers? Are apartments in HK something that people spend their working lives saving for for status, or mostly for function?

Singapore is weird, because are not the vast majority of homes owned by the state - I know there’s something odd about Singapore apartments but I don’t know the details.

Not disagreeing: I have seen flash-as apartments in London during multiple work-stints and vacations there, and postcode does matter https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boltons

I just don’t know anything about HK.

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