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I'm ok with that tax band at that level. And I imagine the majority of people in Ireland are, as there is no political appetite to tax the wealthiest people less.

People in finance and IT can make a ton compared to other folk. If the top tax band was raised to 500,000k or something all that extra money would just go on bigger houses, fancy cars and holidays and shit.

A less progressive tax system is bad for society. Eg. I just got a letter saying kids books will be free in primary schools now. Don't get me wrong, there are big problems in Ireland, but taxing well off people less is not gonna fix anything!

Perhaps people on 300k should have a different marginal rate of tax from those on 80k.

More to the point, someone who actually works for their money shouldn't be punished more than someone who got lucky buying a house at the right time.

I agree with you!

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