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Well, I'd consider the damage to Lindel's credibility a win.

Anyone who gives Lindell a shred of credibility is doing so explicitly against all available evidence, and any new credibility destroying evidence will not change their opinion...unfortunately.

The horse is dead. This new revelation just further beats that dead horse. And the Lindell fans will continue to act as though the horse is alive because they operate in an alternate reality in which the events of this reality do have no effect.

They may operate in an alternate reality, but they are probably very sensitive to success and wealth. In their world successful people can't be wrong. Making him poor may be more effective than pointing out he's a nut.

> And the Lindell fans will continue to act as though the horse is alive because they operate in an alternate reality in which the events of this reality do have no effect.

We need to stop operating in black and white (polarized). Some Lindell fans will indeed stop being fans, some will be less of his fans, etc, etc. It's a continuum.

I'm sure you are see as well as I the current problems of today arising from treating everything as Black or White with no shades in between.

It would be a win if anyone who didn’t already think Lindel was a lying POS had their mind changed. Sadly shame and logic don’t really work on that crowd.

Is it useful in other legal cases? If you can reference this case in your own case and evidence of patterns of behavior? IANAL

clearly the arbitration panel ruled against Lindell because it's part of the deep state. /s

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