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AI companies ask U.S. court to dismiss artists' copyright lawsuit (reuters.com)
11 points by magoghm on April 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

So whats the plan? Go about stealing millions of people’s hard work and reselling it? Any tech based on that would he a hit.

Do artists "steal" when they look at the old masters and figure out how to do it for themselves?

The artist's position is pretty weird, only humans should be allowed to learn from the art they see (if a computer learns anything, then all benefit should go to the human who made the art) and the prompts used to actually generate the images are entirely inconsequential to how the neural nets behave.

Artists are people not machines ingesting data. Cant compare software capable of downloading millions of books and then reselling them with a few changes here and there. Even if a human could that would be theft. If i as a human would suddenly download windows 11’s code, rewrite it and then sell it i’d be in trouble.

Of course that would be illegal, but that’s not even remotely similar to how these AI programs work.

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