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Housing is another clear example of governments being solely concerned with continued enrichment of the few at detriment of the many.

Solutions nearly always seem to come when these oligarchical groups can be bypassed.

I've had to move my family numerous times over the last decade due to a housing market whose sole purpose seems to be enrichment rather than human survival.

Western overly financialised and deindustrialised economies are now so completely dependent on continued asset price inflation so as to maintain the ongoing ponzi scheme that to change it will require huge pain to asset holders who hold all the power. And so it won't happen peacefully.

Except in the US, the government is... us. Show up to a local city council meeting sometime and tell me how many oligarchs show up to shout down new development, and then tell me how many of your own neighbors show up to do the same. You might be incredibly surprised by whom you see.

and if it starts to fall...they import migrants to show up demand artificially

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