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Show HN: My 10 Gb/s Router (danangell.com)
6 points by teaearlgraycold on April 18, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think many people still do not know that a router is like 3 devices in one and it can be broken down to 3 specialised devices (what OP has done):

- Firewall (and gateway)

- Switch

- WiFi Access-Point (basically only get the Ethernet into the air ;)

This is the setup I’ve been wanting for a decade. It’s fun to modularize what’s normally an “all in one” product. The end result is superior in my opinion, but there’s no need for any home users to do this. It’s only useful to me because consumer 10 Gb/s is bleeding edge and the small market can’t support all niches yet.

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