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Optimizing a Full Self Driving RC Car (hackaday.com)
41 points by kscottz on April 18, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

This article mainly summarises a video if you'd rather watch:


Beyond the software to do this - is there a hardware explainer for the chassis and rest of the kit they are using to build this anywhere?

Reminds me re-volt ^^

Re-volt and its contemporary, Toy Commander, really kindled in me a love of literally 'small scale' games. As a kid I thought it was pretty cool to do a race around a super sized garage, darting under the car and up and over the lawnmower, or having a dogfight around a mountain sized christmas tree in the lounge.

Agreed. Reminded me rc-bandit. Used to spend countless hours on that game back in the 2000s.

Thanks for mentioning that, I loved that game but totally forgot about it.

Man I wanted to do just this sort of thing 15 years ago but of course the sensors and processing power weren’t really small or powerful enough then.

So cool.

Somewhere in the archives is an article of a "self driving racing rc car" sport of some sort where the creator used a camera looking at the ceiling and mapping the lights to localize itself on the track. Way cooler IMO. Everything gets easier in SLAM when you can just burn $1k on lidar.

Seriously. Lidars 15 years ago from sick were huge and way more than $1k

I tried with cameras and other sensors, made it very hard to do slam reliably.

I imagine slam algorithms have also improved a good deal.

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