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> I’ve migrated rdbms to wide column databases like Cassandra or dynamo because we had specific requirements that rdbms were not fulfilling.

I'm curious of a common situation. Could RDBMS be improved on that area, or do they inherently lack some necessary property?

I will agree that current RDBMS tend to lack dynamism, and that should be remedied: https://www.reddit.com/r/CRUDology/comments/12ari2l/dynamic_...

It’s less to do with rdbms specifics and more to do with things like globally available replication and super low latency.

As for features I mean you could use Postgres and some extensions and you’re good to go. If you want a document db you can just use jsonb type.

You need to know your access patterns and what queries you will be running beforehand when working with something like dynamo. You can also do relational modeling with dynamo following single table design and basically pre join.

Transactions and joins are the parts that are tricky to implement in a performant way in distributed systems. No SQL systems generally scale well by leaving those features out. Or at least heavily restricting them.

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